Savoury recipes QUAKER BURGERS
  1. Mix minced meat with all the ingredients in a bowl
  2. Knead the mix well, wetting your palms often with water.
  3. For the patties to be crispier, add ¼ tsp baking soda in the mix.
  4. Optionally, cover the mix and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  5. Mold 8 – 10 patties, smear them with oil and bake them on the coals, in a pan or on the grill for 7-8 minutes on each side.
  6. Serve with green salad for a light and balanced meal.

    1kg minced meat
    ¾ cup grated onion
    2 tbsp parsley
    5 tbsp Quaker oats
    1 small tomato, grated (optionally)
    1 – 2 tsp oregano
    ¼ cup oil
    Salt, pepper
    2 egg yolks
    2 tsp vinegar

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